Yoga means joining the soul with God. Rishi Patanjali says, “Yogas chitta vrtti nirodhah.” Yoga is control and cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.
Yoga, an ancient science is designed to cure the modern day maladies of anxiety and stress. Yoga boosts a person's capacity to bear stress, i.e. it augments one's "stress stamina". Yoga improves all the five states of our being through Hatha-yoga for our physical body, Pranayama for our breath, meditation for our mind, Jnana-yoga for our intellect and Bhakti-yoga for our soul.
Regular practice of asanas increases flexibility and focus, reduces fat and flatulence, relaxes muscles, improves digestion and induces a feeling of well-being.
Pranayama makes us aware of the act of breathing, which all living beings engage in from birth to death. The methodical elongation of each breath during Pranayama has a direct and dramatic impact on longevity and good health.
Meditation enables us to move away from the physical or gross level to the spiritual or subtle state of being, and gradually leads us to inner freedom, the most important component of our life. It enhances our peace of mind, concentration, sense of detachment, and helps manifest the divinity in man.
Jnana-yoga makes us aware of the act of breathing, which all living beings engage in from birth to death. The methodical elongation of each breath during Pranayama has a direct and dramatic impact on longevity and good health.
Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga teaches various steps of inner body cleansing with consultations of one's yoga teacher. Its texts vary in specifics and number of cleansing methods, ranging from simple hygiene practices to the peculiar exercises.
Bhakti yoga
Bhakti yoga, also called Bhakti marga, is a spiritual path or spiritual practice within Hinduism focused on loving devotion towards a personal god. It is one of the paths in the spiritual practices of Hindus, others being Jnana yoga and Karma yoga. The tradition has ancient roots.
Free Yoga classes, which include instruction in asanas, pranayama and meditation, are conducted at Arya Samaj ECIL Mandi
please contact Ramesh Mandal at +91 99492 63618